The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique to amplify a short sequence of DNA even in samples containing only minute quantities of DNA. PCR is used to amplify selected sections of DNA across several orders of magnitude. Solis BioDyne offers complete range of enzymes and master mixes for highly processive, thermostable and robust PCR reactions. Due to Stability TAG technology, our enzymes and master mixes have an enhanced stability at ambient temperature with no activity loss up to 1 month. Choose suitable mix from the list below or from our Product Selection Guide.
Solis Hot Start HiFi DNA Polymerase is a modified polymerase with 3′→5′ exonuclease (proofreading) activity demonstrating enhanced fidelity of > 100x compared to wild type Taq polymerase.
Hot-start DNA Polymerase with unique 30-day room temperature stability for your everyday PCR needs.
Hot-start Master Mix designed to provide highly specific high-yield amplification of GC-rich templates.
High performance hot-start Master Mix for efficient multiplex reaction - analyse up to 18 targets in one reaction.
High performance hot-start Master Mix for efficient multiplex reaction with ready-to-load feature - analyse up to 18 targets in one reaction.
Robust and reliable hot-start Master Mix with higher fidelity and longer amplification range for more demanding reactions.
Robust and reliable hot-start Master Mix with higher fidelity and longer amplification range for more demanding reactions. Includes two tracking dyes.
Ultra fast endpoint PCR Master Mix that includes novel in-silico designed SolisFAST® DNA Polymerase for robust and accurate target detection.
Ultra fast endpoint PCR Master Mix that includes novel in-silico designed SolisFAST® DNA Polymerase for robust and accurate target detection. Includes two tracking dyes.
Ultra fast endpoint PCR Master Mix that includes novel in-silico designed SolisFAST® DNA Polymerase for robust and accurate target detection. Suitable for UNG treatment to prevent carryover contamination.
Ultra fast endpoint PCR Master Mix that includes novel in-silico designed SolisFAST® DNA Polymerase for robust and accurate target detection. Suitable for UNG treatment to prevent carryover contamination. Includes two tracking dyes.