Eva-Maria – the artistic scientist

There aren’t many people who can lead teams as well as our Head of Quality and Product Management Eva-Maria does. She is like that red string on a mystery board connecting all the departments. If you would like to get a little closer to solving the great leadership puzzle that Eva-Maria has mastered, have a look at the following story.

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Marek - the coolest IT guy out there

If you ever need someone to help you with your computer, fix your house, join you in a sports competition, or just be a friend, Marek is your guy. Being one of the friendliest, most helpful people out there certainly makes him a really cool person everyone should know more about.

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Narges - our own sunshine

In Estonia, we pretty much spend half a year in the dark and cold. It’s therefore very nice to have a person around who lights up the whole room and brings the warmth of summer with her everywhere she goes. Our own sunshine Narges was chosen by co-workers as the greatest Makes My Day Person in the company, so here is a little story about her to make your day.

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Birgit - the one with answers to all of your questions

Have you ever used chat on our website to talk about our products or PCR or whatever came to your mind? Have you ever asked for advice from our customer support? If you have, the chances are you were talking to Birgit. She is the little miracle behind your perfectly functioning experiment. Now you have the opportunity to get to know her a little better.

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