On the 26th of November, the World Health Organisation designated Omicron as a SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern [1]. Currently there isn’t much known about this variant, but what is known is that Solis BioDyne products can help you detect Omicron and all the other coronavirus variants. We have put a lot of care into developing the most efficient tools, so that you can accelerate your RT-qPCR testing to combat the pandemic. With SOLIScript® 1-step CoV Kit it’s possible to start 2022 knowing that while the virus is getting trickier, it will not be able to fool you.
“The COVID-19 pandemic seems to worsen again and have a negative impact on all of our lives even further into 2022. All the more it is now important to enable our partners in the molecular diagnostics industry to have access to powerful testing assays and solutions,” says our CEO Stephan Goldenbaum. “We developed SARS-CoV-2 detection solutions based on our know-how in PCR design and optimization with our partners globally to tackle the pandemic together. Speak with our experts to develop your solutions with Solis BioDyne together.”
Together with technical support throughout the process, we ensure to match the high-quality requirements of our partners in the research and diagnostic sector. We have ISO 13485 and ISO 9001 certificates, which assure our core value of work - quality.
Contact our experts at (mail to: sales@solisbiodyne.com)
Read more about our IVD grade reagents for accurate detection:
[1] Update on Omicron. (2021). Retrieved 2 December 2021, from https://www.who.int/news/item/28-11-2021-update-on-omicron
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