Helping students on their road to science

This summer we got to collaborate with a fun project organized by the MINT Campus in Germany. MINT stands for M for math, I for computer science, N for natural sciences and T for technology. Not only does MINT campus inspire children and young people about these topics but it also introduces young people to sustainable, innovative developments in current research and technology.

We got to sponsor their natural sciences workshops about PCR with our FIREPol® Master Mix Ready to Load which has been proven by schools everywhere to be the best foolproof mix for beginner scientists. It’s also good to know that our efforts in sustainability have been noticed and are incorporated into these projects.

Students preparing for their first PCR.
It's important for us to be sustainable and protect the environment. We are constantly making environmentally conscious choices when developing new products and trying to minimize components of animal origin. Incorporating the patented Stability TAG technology into all the products allows them to be shipped at room temperature (in a simple envelope), which lowers the carbon footprint and reduces the amount of waste. All the experiments with our products can also be done without ice, making experimenting faster and easier. In addition, the components of our products are safe for humans and the environment (although we do not recommend drinking them).

Feedback from the organizer Johannes: “My experiment is the amplification of DNA fragments using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Challenges are: the students are beginners without pipetting skills and the time for the experiments is limited. I therefore decided to use Solis Biodyne (FIREPol® Master Mix Ready to Load) because my experience from 10 years of trace and parentage analysis in my laboratory has shown that the reagents are robust and forgiving of beginners' mistakes and that loading buffer is already included, which significantly reduces pipetting time.”