In addition to competing in the Grand Jamboree, the members of the team have also spent a lot of time educating people on this matter by doing workshops for schools, making an educational game and posting informative content on social media. You can find out more about their project here:
Every company has to start from somewhere. There can either be an “aha” moment - a sudden spark of inspiration that sets everything in motion. Other times it can happen gradually with ideas coming and going until something bigger grows out of all this brainstorming. For Solis BioDyne, it was the latter. As we celebrate 30 years since our founding, we think it’s the perfect time to share our origin story with you.
Have you ever thought about doing a PCR experiment, but you are not quite sure what product to use? Or the product you have chosen doesn’t work as well as it should and you are looking for an alternative? We are here to help you out with some recommendations from fellow scientists based on different application possibilities.
For 10 years now, on the 11th of February, we celebrate the women and girls who have chosen to follow the path of science. We believe giving everyone a chance to do what they love is important, and it doesn’t matter what gender a person is. In Solis BioDyne, 66% of our employees and 75% of our scientists are women and they are absolutely amazing in their work.
This year the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun, two scientists credited with discovering microRNA and its role in post-transcriptional gene regulation. Now, 30 years after their finding, you can do microRNA experiments with ease by using our products designed to make discovering new things simple and hassle-free.