Holidays offer the great opportunity to look back to the unbelievable year we have had, find the moments in there to be grateful for, and make plans for next year. 2020 has brought us closer in ways we never thought possible. Physically we needed to keep the distance but emotionally the world got smaller since we all had one big problem to tackle.
For Solis BioDyne it was also the 25th anniversary year. During 2020 our team doubled we now have 50 people working hard every day to provide the reagents you need.
As in every December, we also took some time to sign the Christmas cards for you - cards were handmade by handicapped people in Maarjaküla and got sent out with best wishes from our entire team.
Solis BioDyne team will be on a 2-week Christmas Holiday from 21.12.2020 to 04.01.2021.
Chief Executive Officer of Solis BioDyne, Oliver Ploomipuu, takes the year together in 2021 Catalogue:
“I am pleased to announce that Solis BioDyne has turned an important page in our history. Thanks to 25-years of dedicated work, our valued partners, and the strictest dedication to state-of-the-art science, we are now focused on significant expansion. We urge you to join us!
We believe that success lies in delivering increased value to our customers, which is why quality has always been our number one priority. We are determinedly investing in developing new products, improving technical support, and meeting even higher quality standards.
During the year of Covid, we have established several new key partnerships, from all over the world. Our dedicated support team has stepped up despite the challenges, and we have managed to deliver personalized and successful results for our customers.
In 2021, we will continue to focus on these key areas, while expanding production capacity through innovation and improvements. We thank you for your continued support.”
This summer we got to collaborate with a fun project organized by the MINT Campus in Germany. Not only does MINT campus inspire children and young people about these topics but it also introduces young people to sustainable, innovative developments in current research and technology.
Whether you are studying the genetic material of plants, brains or viruses, the experiment usually starts with extracting RNA from the sample material. It would be incredibly useful to get all the RNA extracted instead of it getting destroyed by the RNases before even starting the cDNA synthesis step. But how can we protect the RNA when RNases are all around us? Let’s find out!
There aren’t many people who can lead teams as well as our Head of Quality and Product Management Eva-Maria does. She is like that red string on a mystery board connecting all the departments. If you would like to get a little closer to solving the great leadership puzzle that Eva-Maria has mastered, have a look at the following story.
On the 4th and 5th of June representatives from South Korea visited Tartu. Their primary focus was on exploring opportunities in the fields of biotechnology and medicine, seeking potential collaborators in Estonia. We had the great pleasure of meeting the delegation and sharing our knowledge on both days of the visit.